Is Religion Compatible With Science
NeoPragmatist Richard Rorty shares his eminent views on this YouTube video.
NeoPragmatist Richard Rorty shares his eminent views on this YouTube video.
Web stories - 2 to 3 minutes each. Many say that love is unsafe. Romantic or erotic love, that is. Let's look at all that a bit, cause love makes the world go 'round.
Web stories - 2 to 3 minutes each. So many believe and have faith in a God and an afterlife in a Spirit World. Religion has been around forever, social…
Web stories - 2 to 3 minutes each. Friendships are great, not that they always last. We may not even be friends with family members or people we work with…
Web stories - 2 to 3 minutes each. Soulmates are not born as such, they are discovered. They share one or a few significant interests with each other. It may…