Tips For

Soulmate Dating

Pink Blob

"People wonder if soulmates are born as such, and if they then must find each other."

Woman Reading

Pink Blob

"Most would say that they came to discover the soulmate in each other, less than that they were born for each other."

Woman Reading

Pink Blob

"Soulmates also know their own strength and weaknesses so as to suitably relate to the other!"

Pink Blob

"Fate, destiny, chance, luck  - are these things that really influence our fortunes and futures?"

Pink Blob

"Perhaps, to some degree. But we are not without options, not without making our very own decisions as to far-reaching choices."

Pink Blob

"Dating sites and books are aplenty, however, few of them make enough sense of lasting true love."

Man Reading

Pink Blob

"I mean, do I need all that skin-deep advice? Do I not have enough common sense to figure love and life out?"

Man Reading

Pink Blob

"What matters most is perhaps to feel and understand what 'lasting true love' is."

Woman Reading 02

Pink Blob

"Passionate attraction for each other and reciprocal care for wellbeing & growth over time - all that goes a long way I figure."

Woman Reading 02

Pink Blob

"Yes, while they are romantically attracted - of course, they nevertheless share really meaningful interests between them."

Pink Blob

"Soulmates are a bit like friends. Erotic love is not the only interest holding two soulmates intimately together."

Pink Blob

"Soulmates, like friends, share affinities with things meaningful to both - like family, vocation, or hobby."

Pink Blob

"Oh, I am glad to hear that. Lasting intimate relationships are not just about sexual performance."

Woman Reading

Pink Blob

"Being a friend before being an object of sexual desires is reassuring to me as well. I'm a sentient person after all, and not a porn star."

Man Reading