Love - The Most Wonderous Phenomenon Of All...

... Is It Unsafe?

Unsafe Love #3

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Falling in love, or being in love for that matter, just seems to generate so much fresh meaning in one's life.

Unsafe Love #3

Green Sun
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Being alone, uninvolved, isolated, unloved, misunderstood, alienated, dumped and all that misery is no fun.

Unsafe Love #3

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It is hard to find any meaning in that, and humans cannot live well without experiencing some coherent meaning in and for their situation.

Unsafe Love #3

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The recognition of meaning makes us believe that we are in charge, while any absence of meaning perplexes and confounds us - to say the least.

Unsafe Love #3

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Now, a great many folks prefer the stable meaning derived from a life of faith over the meaning derived from a passionate but volatile love relationship - that is, from 'unsafe' love.

Unsafe Love #3

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However, the lure of romance, of the desire to find relief from the pains of loneliness and come to a more proximate meaning of life, is unsurpressable.

Unsafe Love #3

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Romance gives us a delightfully gratifying high, it puts us in a blissful state of mind like nothing else can - at least for a while.

Unsafe Love #3

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Even the mates of arranged or 'prompted' marriages might go through the stage of initial romance, just perhaps not as stirring as when love smites out of the blue.

Unsafe Love #3

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Romance starts off by idealizing the one, by only seeing the 'good' in him or her to make sense out of the given, to arrive at a tolerable meaning.

Unsafe Love #3

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It's just that we cannot maintain being fascinated by these idealizations of self, the other, or both for long.

Unsafe Love #3

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The real selves - the good, bad and ugly, will eventually emerge and mates will then need to renegotiate their bond with each other - if mutual affection survived.

Unsafe Love #3

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That 'reality check' is a vulnerable time for the couple. Some have the capacity to be tolerant and then renegotiate, some need to learn fast to make it, and some won't.

Unsafe Love #3

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Romance and its burgeoning love are transitory and subjective apparitions. But it isn't love that is unsafe, it is rather that people are unsafe and should not be trusted unconditionally.

Unsafe Love #3

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We do not really know who and what we are going to become in life. What will we come to desire, after having had a taste of this or that?

Unsafe Love #3

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Be mindful of folks who, with the best of intentions, do not know themselves well enough or will not fairly explain themselves to you. But then give love a chance...

Unsafe Love #3

Green Sun